Mental Health Awareness Week

‘Always leave people better
than you found them.
Hug the hurt,
Kiss the broken
Befriend the lost
Love the lonely ‘
It’s mental health awareness week and I thought to share one of my favourite images because of the story related to it.
Sophia and Chris contacted me via IG after seeing i was staying in beautiful Alderbugh in Suffolk for a few days.
They had been through a very tough lockdown in a small apartment, desperate to see the sea and sunrise as they hadn’t been to the beach for 5 years! Just before taking off their car had broke down so they did a six hours journey by bus, train and taxi and stayed over night in a B&B for the photoshoot!
It was 6 am when we met for the first time in the car park in beautifully quaint Walberswick as they got off the taxi.
We said hello and ran like crazy to the beach laughing to see as we didn’t want to miss the sunrise to create pictures!
Just before leaving my airbnb i had an impulsive to borrow this blanket which I threw it at them to wrap themselves in it as i was holding my camera!
So this picture was taken literally five minutes after having met them ! I luckily managed to capture this intimate moment as Sophia’s eyes were tearful full of joy and various emotions of whatever life had thrown at her.
After a couple of hours photographing around the beautiful beach we hugged and said our goodbyes as they returned a long journey home feeling rejuvenated and souls at peace before going into lockdown again.
I haven’t seen this lovely couple since, but this picture remains close to my heart with a reminder when things are a little bit tough having a moment to surround ourselves with nature is what we might need ♥️